Friday, November 26, 2010

Barn Buddy Flowers vs Fruits & Vegetables

Barn Buddy is not just a game but an art of investing. That's why it is called a strategic game. If anyone wish to succeed in the game, have got lot to do. One of the things is selecting right seeds to plant. It means that you have to consider how much of coins, XP you are going to earn and the time it takes for that.

Visit the links below and keep reading this post,  you are about to figure out what type of seed could be the best.

Flower guide
Special flower guide
Fruit & Vegetable guide

If you compare the XP rates of seeds, you will find out that flowers are the best. Let's take an example to make sure. Let's take Coconut and Daisy. Coconut seems to be the best seed in the fruit & vegetable section and Daisy , the worst in the flower section.

Coconut : coins per hour = 27.8 ; XP per hour = 1.71

Daisy:  coins per hour = 17.5 ; XP per hour = 3.1
Even Daisy beats Coconut in XP rate. You really don't have to worry about the coins rate, because in Barn Buddy coins are not so important than XP. See XP vs Coins.

Another disadvantage of fruits and vegetables is that most of them are multiple harvest plants. Which means once you plant seeds you can harvest 2, 3, or 4 times with that plant.The problem with the multiple harvest product is that they might take more than the calculated time to give the profit. The calculated time? It is the time which was calculated by adding regrow times of plant to it's growth time. Again let's take coconut.

Coconut is quadrapole harvest plant with 50 hours of growth time and 20 hours of regrow time. After the first harvest it has 3 more regrowing processes. So the calculated time of Coconut is going to be 50+ (3*20) =110 hours.
For one harvest you get 47 XP so the total XP is going to be 47*4 =188 XP.
Then the XP rate =  188XP/110 hours =1.71 XP/hour

Here the calculated time was calculated by assuming that there would no delays to harvest from a fully grown plant. Most of the times you wouldn't get in at the right time for harvesting for some circumstances. When it comes to me I usually harvest 2 or 3 hours after the plant is fully grown. So would add few more hours to the calculated time. If the plant is quadruple, there are 3 chances of happening this, meaning that there would be some extra hours added to the calculated time.So then the the XP rate of Coconut would be = 188 XP/122 hours = 1.54 . You see? Things going to be worse with vegetables if you really want quick success.

Flowers are always single harvest plants. So you are most likely to get the calculated XP rate.

Other crustal fact is going to be the cost price. Relatively flowers are more expensive than the fruits and vegetables. And flowers are capable of bringing more coins and XP to your farm, So they have got to be expensive. That is the nature of investing you know. If you need more profit you have to invest more money. So be sure to invest every single coin you have got. Those coins would be back soon to you along with more.

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