When I first heard about the CityVille it was few months back. I was being bit busy with my Barn Buddy farm at that time so I never wanted to play that game, but it was the time I was getting lots of invitations from my friends asking me to be their neighbor in CityVille. And also I had been seen lots of wall posts about this game on my friends walls. I really wanted to look at this game and know what was so special in that game to make that much of people to play it. So I decided to play CityVille and I started running my own city.
When I first get into the city, there were only two homes and 4 farming plots of strawberries. The a young lady called her self 'Samantha' was appeared on the screen and started giving me instructions on how should I run my city. She told me I was supposed to be the mayor of the city so I had to work hard to win the the mind of citizens. I was just a farmer in my barn buddy farm and this beautiful young lady was asking me to run for the Mayer in a city. I accepted the invitation anyway and started the game. By the time pass I found some ways that anyone can use to go to higher levels of the game within a very short period of time .
What I'm going to do now is to start my CityVille Guru session on the same blog. I would like to start it with a brief introduction to the game.
What is CityVille ?
As you already know it's game of developing a city. You starts with a small plot of land and you are supposed to make it a thriving city. Let's go through the big concepts in the game.


The most crucial fact in the game is your energy level. If you want the success you need to know how to manage your energy. As you enter your city your energy bar is full of energy and starts losing one by one as you do things in your city such as building houses, collecting money from businesses, harvesting crops etc. It takes 5 minutes for energy bar to be filled by one. If you are out of energy there are plenty of things you can do. You can visit your friends cities so you get one energy for each visit. This is a best way of getting energy but you should know that you can visit one neighbor city only once in a day. Or you can ask your friends for energy or you even can buy energy though I don't recommend it. That's not a good idea when you have to pay 3 city cash to buy one energy. If you can not get energy in one of the above ways, leave your farm a while and come back. (You energy is increased by one energy in every five minutes)

You can increase your city population by building houses. There are different kind of houses available on the housing section but some of them will be unlocked only when you complete goals. You can collect rents from houses time to time.
Community buildings
As your city population increases you will be asked to build community buildings such as post offices, police stations, libraries etc. Building community buildings will let more people to live in your city. Like you did with houses, you can collect rents from community buildings too. Most of the time when you collect community building rents you gets one or two energy as a bonus.
You need to build businesses to fulfill the needs of your citizens. There are different types of businesses in CityVille so you can choose one of your choice. As you go to a higher level or when you complete goals more and more profitable businesses will be unlocked for you. You have to supply goods for businesses or they wouldn't make money for you.

To run businesses you need to supply goods to them. There are so many ways of getting goods. One way is sending the train. You can send your train for goods and it would be come back in 5 minutes, 4 hours or 8 hours which depends on how much of goods you order. You can do the same with your boats if you have built a sea port.The boats go around the world for goods. Harvest your crops so you will get goods as the return or visit your neighbor cities and help your friends to harvest their crops, in this way you can receive 15 goods as a reward for each harvesting.
Reputation is something which indicates how much you have helped your friends. When you help one of your friend by harvesting, collecting rents or sending a tourist bus to their city you will get one reputation point. When you complete 100 of reputation points you go to the next level of reputation and you will be rewarded with some goods. If you were rewarded with 100 goods this time, it will be 140 next time. The more reputation you earn the more goods you will get as the reward.
You can start your business in other cities so yo can earn some extra money. Since the profitable businesses yet to be unlocked in your city, you can ask your friends to start their businesses in your city. In that way not only your friends can earn some money, you also get the business you want in your city. Whenever you start a business in other cities you will receive a business head quarter. Go to your inventory box and place the head quarter in your city. It's such a beautiful building which would help to make your city a beautiful place.
These are the basics of the game. It took some time for me to stick to these basics. I learnt lots of things in last few weeks so I'm ready to share the things I learnt when I was building my city. I hope that will make help you to make your city grow fast.
After playing the game for 4 weeks of time now I'am just one level before the 40th level. More tips and tricks are coming on your way.
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