Saturday, January 15, 2011

Barn Buddy Tips on using fertilizers

Hi friends! How are you doing in your farms? After a long time I thought of sharing another bit of my barn buddy secrets with you. This time it's about using fertilizers. By reading this post you will get a clear idea about barn buddy fertilizer and some tips on using them to get the maximum out of your farm.

I have been playing the game for the last 8 months and I know exactly what burns your inside. And I know how eagely you are looking forward to take any chance to shift your farm to the next level and be the 1st among your friends. I can understand that and I wanted to do the same thing few months ago. Don't consider using fertilizers effectivly is not an big issue. If you want the success make every little thing a big and give an intense attention on them.
You know what fertilizers are. In real life they are used to increase the health of plants, reduce the growth time, and produce a good harverst, so it's same in the Barn Buddy. When you use fertilizers on plants it reduces the growth time by certain hours so it might eliminate the chances for weeds and bugs to grow on your plants which might lead your farm to produce a good harvest.

As you already there know there are few stages of a plant so you can use fertilizers once in a stage. Let's take tomato plant for an example.

Tomato has  five growing stages and each of stage consists of 5 hours (I want to tell you this once more, you can use fertilizers only once in one stage). If you use week fertilizers on tomato or any other plant, it reduces the plant's growth time by 1 hour so using weak fertilizers in each of the stages you can reduce the total growth time of tomato by 5 hours. Pay your attention on how much of time can be reduced by each type of fertilizers and how could you get those fertilizers.

Types of fertilizers

Weak Fertilizer
Medium Fertilizer
Strong Fertilizer
Super Fertilizer
Mega Fertilizer
Weak Fertilizer :You can buy week fertilizers from Barn Buddy shop with 50 coins for each packet and it will reduces the growth time by 1 hour.

Medium Fertilizer : There are three ways of getting medium fertilizers. From friends, buying with BB credits and receiving them as rewards are those ways. Medium Fertilizers can reduce the growth time by 2 and 1/2 hours.

Strong Fertilizer , Super Fertilizer and Mega Fertilizer : All these fertilizers available for BB credits and some times you receive them as rewards as well. Strong and Super fertilizers reduce the growth time by 5  1/2 and 10 hours respectively while Mega fertilizers give you instant crops.

Change the way you look at fertilizers

In order to get the maximum results out of fertilizers you have change the way you look at fertilizers. What does come to your mind when some one says 'Weak fertilizers' ? I will tell you what would come to my mind in that moment. 100 coins and 8 XP is that. That is what comes to my mind. It is because with one bag of weak fertilizer you can earn 100 coins and 8XP if you use it on Orchid and why is Orchid? Because Orchid is the only plant which gives you that much of profit with one bag. ( For more on that check my previous post Flower Guide). So whenever you think about fertilizers, think what would the maximum it gives you as the return.
This way of thinking might prevent you from using fertilizers on unprofitable seeds like vegetables and fruits.

Do not use fertilizers 

If you have no idea on when your next visit to the farm will occur.

As we already know the main purpose of using fertilizer is reducing the growth time. Why should we do that?Because, we could use the same plot to grow another plant that period of time. So whenever you use fertilizers on plants make sure that you are going to use that reduced time period to grow another plant. Let's be clear on this.
Let's think that at the 9 p.m. you plant carrots seeds of which total growth time is 15 hours. That means you can harvest carrots at 7 a.m. in the following day. So you should not use a bag of week fertilizer on them if you can't visit your farm at 6.a.m. If you visit the farm at 7 a.m. it means you just wasted the fertilizers. I think got the idea. So before you use fertilizers on plants, calculate the time you are going to harvest them. If you can't visit the farm after that calculated growth time you'd better not to use them this time.

If your plant is a low profitable plant.
Think that you use week fertilizers on Avocado with which you can earn 12.8 coins and 1 XP per hour. Since week fertilizers reduce the growth time by 1 hour, it means you can earn 12.8 coins and 1 XP with it. But the cost price of a week fertilizer is 50 coins. So why would you spend your 50 coins to get a 12.8 coins and 1 XP. That's a bad deal.
If you are in early stages of the game , specially below the 20th level, I don't recommend for you of using weak fertilizers because most of the plants you plant in those levels are low profitable. Don't waste your coins.

Always use fertilizers

Whenever you see it profitable

Don't save your fertilizers for the future if you can earn the maximum of it today. There no means of saving it for the future. Use as many as of them if you see it's profitable.

Before you leave the farm
Before you leave the farm check whether there are crops you could harvest by using some of fertilizers. If there is use fertilizers and harvest them and plant new seeds on that plots so you would use those plots in a profitable way in the times you absence.

Please do share your ideas about this post.

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